Movement Play Workshop
March 16th 2024 / 2 - 5 pm (DE/EN)
at Flow Motion (Schwedenstraße 14, Berlin - Wedding)
Level: all levels
Duration: 3h
Location: Flow Motion (Wedding)
Costs: 60 € (Book both
workshops „Handstand” +
„Movement Play” for 100 €)
The playful flow
In this workshop we use games and the playful spirit to master situations in a new, creative and strategic way. Sometimes tennis balls, sometimes yoga blocks, sometimes bodies are our playing partners. In other words: we play in motion and move playfully.
I divide the three hours into: partner/object games, play in motion (acrobatics) and free play (improvisation). For those who have already attended my Monday or Thursday classes: The workshop will be a mix of both. Unlike in classes, the workshop is also about learning to invent games yourself.
At Flow Motion (Schwedenstraße 14, Berlin-Wedding) we practice on both mats and wooden floors.
Book both workshops! Handstand + Movement Play (2 p.m. – 5 p.m.). In between there is a one-hour lunch break.
If you have any further questions, just write to me.
To book your spot: Click the button and send me an e-mail. Please add your address when booking so I can send you the invoice. Thx.