The wampediboo shirt collection


Yeahiiii, they’re finally here! The new wampediboo t-shirt collection. Let me tell you why this is so important to me. I started the whole idea around the little walrus in 2017 – as a yoga-blog. With time I recognized for me it’s even more than posting some articles on this platform here. Wampediboo is a vibe! People immediately smile when they see and hear wampediboo. Why? Because the word itself is a funny mystery. You hear it, you can’t define, but in a way you like it. And that’s the spirit! In a world where we like to put labels on a lot of things just to know exactly what we are getting and having, I sometimes find it very refreshing to like something just because it makes you feel good, joyful or easy. So I would say that everything that emerges from the wampediboo universe is something to feel and experience: my yoga classes, Movement Play, the Clarity Club – and the Shirts.


So I wanted to „label“ my shirts less, more creating a really cool design you like to wear everyday for a variety of occasions. So I asked the same guy who gave wampediboo a face back then to add again some sparkles to it. My dear friend Alex Elsner did again the design and the colouring for all the three different types of shirts. This is very special to me since he is part of the Movement Play group.

I see the shirts kind of as a mirror to my teaching. I started simple and classical and over time my teaching and my own personality evolved, got more colour. So do my shirts. This is why I’ve choosen to go bold, as well as letting the design speak itself: PLAY on the shirts and the wampediboo slogan joy and ease on the longsleeves. Alex added his flavours from his own experience: He played around with crayon to give the forms a certain texture that fits the play-style. And of course you can find a tennis ball.


I printed the first collection already at Screenprint Studio One and was very happy with the process and the quality of screenprinting. I like that every shirt is all handmade. I visited the two guys a few moths ago at their working place and felt the vibe fits well – funny, easy and a love for what they do.


For now I’m only selling the shirts to people who had practiced with me before or who share the wampediboo vibe. Maybe one day I’ll do a sale on here. But for now it’s about the spirit: experiencing the vibe and then getting your shirt :)

The amazing pictures here are made by my very good friend Atila. Check him out on instagram: @flickersbnine


“I don’t want to make sense”


„Mit Spielen denken wir uns die Gesellschaft anders“