“This is the real secret of life -

to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now.

And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”

―Alan Watts

My teaching

Cartwheels, making up stories and curiously asking questions: I am sure that this is not something only reserved for children. We humans are made for movement, for being active. We stay awake and healthy if we continually encourage and challenge our body and mind.

Playing brings both together. It is an endless, constant recombining of possibilities. Without comparison and judgment – but with joy and ease. This became the slogan of her work around „wampediboo", her playful orbit where she offers Yoga, Movement Play and Handstand classes. On these playgrounds body and mind can test themselves in order to be prepared for the adventures of daily life. Playing opens up the opportunity to face everyday life with greater strength, growing older, difficult situations or problems.

Besides playing with the body, I like to play with words as a journalist or when writing poetry and prose.

Through my work and my offerings, I want to help us humans become closer again – to ourselves and to each other.

The following is my work broken down in layers. These are not to be understood as a linear pathway. They support each other and contain something of the other. They can be practiced independently but the beauty unfolds best when done together.

  • Morning Softness

    …is a physical practice as well as a more mental attitude towards it. Meaning: You shake, stretch, strengthen to greet yourself – wether this is in the morning, at the beginning of any other practice or during a day at work. It’s acknowledging your body and mind before any ongoing activities. It’s opening up a blank page (Morning) to gently and mindfully (Softness) observe the structure of the page and the pen as well as sensing what your system wants to write.

  • Non-Sense

    …is about all and nothing. It’s creating sounds, movements, arts without a greater plan. It’s the unfolding of your own creative potential. We play for the sake of.

  • Sense

    …is diving into forms and ideas, broadening your movement vocabulary and fine-tune your physical perception. This can be practicing towards an acrobatic skill, a certain quality in movement or building up strength and greater physical and mental capacity in general.

  • Sunset Mood

    …is the silence and the space to digest and integrate. It comes as a final Free Play, an improvisation with the Sense and the Non-Sense. Followed by a meditation, a deep state of rest or the observation of your feelings and body. It’s a state where there is neither analyzing nor criticizing. It’s less mind, more being.